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How to gain weight. From the fb group Herbs and tips.


CO polecacie na niedowagę? What s your advice for gaining weight?


Ciekawe jak kazdy ma inny zestaw rad.. Ja mam niedowage. Czasem. Poradzilam z tym sobie troche tak jak piszecie ale baza to wiedza kim sie jest. Waga jak choroba pochodzi z typu ciala i charakteru uczuc i umyslu. Np mozna sprawdzic wg ayurvedy albo chinskiej med. Ja mam element ogien. Typ ciala pitta. Nigdy nie bede otyla. Tendencja do chudniecia gdy kazda nierownowaga – nadmiar pracy stresu.. Regularne posilki i rownowaga umyslu i uczuc tp podstawa. Pitta to choleryk..z temperamentu pasjonat pracoholik. Trzeba uwazac by nie pic za duzo kawy. 1 rano.. Wysusza. Pic duzo wody. I ogolnie dieta jak kto chce ale jakis konsultant ayurvedy lub pieciu przemian na pewno ustali dobra.. Nie wolno omijac posilkow. Jesc malo a czesto. Sporty lepiej nie wyczynowe. Ja plywam i joga.. No i duzo przymusowego odpoczywania.. Nauczyc sie wyciszac.. Nie miec przymusu poswiecania sie i perfekcjonizmu. Medytacja. Zen. Byc tu i teraz. Nie w przyszlosci. Cholernie trudne dla wizjonera i manifestora haha


I wonder how everyone has a different set of advice .. I am underweight. Sometimes. I dealt with it a bit as you write, but the base is knowing who you are. Weight like illness comes from the type of body and the nature of feelings and mind. For example, you can check according to Ayurveda or Chinese med. I have the element fire. Pitta body type. I will never be obese. Tendency to lose weight when any imbalance – excess work stress .. Regular meals and a balanced mind and feeling this basis. Pitta is a choleric .. passionate workaholic by temperament. You have to be careful not to drink too much coffee. 1 am .. Dries out. Drink lots of water. And generally a diet as you like, but some Ayurveda consultant or five alternations will definitely establish a good .. You must not skip meals. Eat little and often. Sports are better than competitive sports. I swim and yoga .. And a lot of forced rest .. Learn to calm down .. Having no compulsion to sacrifice and perfectionism. Meditation. Zen. Be here and now. Not in the future. Damn hard for a visionary and manifestor HD haha