I wonder if I should post it here.. but there you go, I do it..
I wonder if I would find here people who do slavic and other magic, but do it in a very deep and wide sens. What I mean..
I tell you about me: I am Polish, Slavic Woman, have always been very spiritual even back in times of my catholicism. But catho in Poland is so hugely slavic that I consider it being always in a slavic faith. Then I broke free from those brainwashings such as some customs and obligations I felt good. And I travelled, went to France, went to USA… I had foreign connections and a foreign husband. Well I searched for myself and my missing part of soul.
Now — I think I m searching for that whole of me.
I am hugely curious and love learning I crave it. I love knowledge and philosophy, and I am deeply spiritual and had some mystical kinda .. experiences (yes still not enough belief in me… and distrust), even back there in my childhood – going with my grandma to that deeply dark wooden church when there were just lights of candles at the dusk, during Roraty, then those choirs of women, those prayers to MAria mother, Godzinki, which I consider now purely slavic
Then I was in a slavic youth movement a little bit protestant in spirit, again songs, spiritual experiences, prayers to Holy Ghost which to me is just Mary, holy feminine , goddess, in the triple of divinity.
I passed thru then.. changing religions.. protestantism, islam, I met jews .. then I found out back in Poland people from slavic faith — purely – rodnovery circles, polish masonic pagan and also historians who do research and rituals.. Anyway ,
Now I am in a middle of the 52 days period before my anniversary if u know what I mean (year is devided in 52 days periods)
IT s the period of complete methamorphosis always, leaving out, dispersing, blacking out, death… of what not works any more , or our old ME
But this year I feel different, really, really really
I think I am really becoming a kinda fenix
I know this year I must prepare to leave Poland. anyway
All my experiences fall out, and I become just the essence of what I want to be.
It s an amazing experience, even more since in September 2020 I met sombody who is my soul mate. Well.. according to one spritual lady, we have got the sould in common, sould diveded If you wish
Which exactly is what Platon meant. or what I have always felt .
It s very strange. We passed thru all different periods of that purely net and spiritual relationship.
He is so earth earth man but very powerful in spirit (he is black, from Carabean which to me is like additional magical african power) and has a huge powerful energy , capable to sending it and influencing, So kinda like me,
I have always been influencing people even when I thought I am just kidding myself. I searched.. found this and that.. Manifestor Human Design, 9 in numerology, INFJ , Pisces, etc bla bla.. lots of stuff of that kid, which helped me understand myself. But this year is real crucial.. Is it just for me???
I kinda woke up to be a real wiedzma, wiedunka, witch ?
Nothing like that in my family ever? Or really nothing? I always had a deep connection with all women in my family, and any women around me, and old people anywhere… they come and tell me their life… just open, sth strange happens when some conditions are applied.. some common points.
Ok, lets cut it short
When he saw me first time — he said — You are a witch
La sorciere a debarquee … The witch has landed heh
And I said….. NO I AM NOT! I am a fairy , or angel…
(yes, I really said that.. )
Oh no, he said – You are a witch …
Well, for the last 5 months I feel that it is A YES
I started truly doing not only knowledge, learning, not only tarot, astrology tropical, and vedic, not only slavic easy customs, not only herbs and healing with it, and any knowledge that comes to my hands and head like stuff from any esoteric circles Rudolf Steiner mystycism included, or cooking by 5 elements and blessing food etc
but I did start doing my own circles , just for me alone, magical circles rituals, every morning and evening,
I have always been communicating with angels, but now it s like.. it s very strong, I did decide I want to go slavic and add the vedic customs since it s all aryan heritage.
Recently , with this soul mate of mine , we both pass thru methamorphosis, contact cut off
But We both started practicing more telepathy, and the energy sending, intentionally.
It just happened one day
Energy is powerful stuff.
Energy , healing, purifing space and chakras, regressing, visualisations and meditations, it all became so strong for the last few months that I start to think — where all that leads me?
I am basically a teacher and writer. Yes , my project is very slavic and alternative, and I want to have women therapeutical creative circles for women with trauma and such harsh life like mine, but I did not think it would be deeply magical slavic pagan and so… energetic.
But maybe it should be?
Anyway, I hope I did not fatigue you with that long post.
I wonder if any of you who do slavic rituals do have mystical or any other experiences and how do you feel about that?
There are not many people to talk about and not many groups to post about.
Well, and I just want to say — if you do not feel like you resonate with what I write just dont answer anything, thank you, I ve got a lot of difficult energies around me already … yeah, two times a day it s a must to protect oneself
That s what I feel at least.
Slava! Sława!