All wise, wiser. She was ridden (ms Pawlikowska, the writer ) evenly, „because she is not a psychologist” and meanwhile the book about depression helped many. Such miracles only in Poland. In the US, it’s standard for someone to write autopsy books. Nobody has to do doctorates for that. It is only Polaczkowate Poles’ complexes that make us the slaves of the titles. And the complex and the stupidity remain the same. I’m sorry.
And I m going with Witkacy’s in that matter. I take his side. And also Mrożek’s, Gombrowicz’s and others, who said backstage – you want to puke in Poland.
You wanna help. But your hands drop. The gang at the top. And the wall, the wall of stupidity downstairs. The wall. And how much can you hit that wall …
You can of course be positive and tralalala. But that’s not my energy. In me, Poland releases piss off and Shiva’s energy.
You need to relax somewhere else
Here people need sharp shocks
Let it be this drought. This poverty. This return to communism. Let it press them against the wall. Let the children die. Let the farmers’ children who are poisoned by chemicals, die. Let the women lose children. Let the farmers get sick. It started already a long time ago. Let there be more MORE. As you like. Let it hit the wall. Cut down all the parks. CUT all green in cities. Lock all the children in their houses. Sprinkle yourself with this chemical disinfectant every 10 minutes. Because covid is here. And your children. Let every second person die next to you. Of cancer. Do not protect yourself from electromagnetics. It’s stupid, isn’t it? Wear masks. Necessarily. Wear it at home. Only buy in supermarkets. Vote for the pisopo (two main same parties in PL). Watch soap operas. Cut your weed to 1 millimeter. Ah no … make yourself concrete yards everywhere. After all, you can be eaten by ticks. TIIIICKS!!! And they are so scary. Don’t go to the forest. Ah .. Well, there are no more forests. Build highways everywhere. Right in the middle of your backyards. The concrete ones. You will be closer to work. And to school. And what do you need children for? Protect yourself. Best of all, but then keep having sex. Safe. In masks. Just sex. Lots of sex. It relaxes. Everything online. And soap operas. And mcdonalds. What a beautiful world. How beautiful.