I couldnt join that with pdf of profs Jandacek and Perdih so I put separately.
The least that should be done after so many years is to
Revise and check again the old language theories
Listen to profs other countries not ONLY western Europe or America
Rethink all
See holistically with knowledge of mathematics and statistics (they did language studies too – how many slavic root words are where and how words travelled) and genetics
Untill science each part of it will just see it nose and nothing further we will be stuck in old times and „germanic” (term is not good) Deutsch propaganda fron 19 cent when Germany created itself (sic) and searched proofs of its ancient history which is nonexistent cause it s a new country..
19 cent is when modern science was born
They had access to colonies too , India Vedas studies etc
But on the other hand slavic countries were destroyed and under control and non existent
None of that science is good cause it s skewed it doesnt take in consideration mostly – slavic history and languages..
On purpose
Cause results would be different
In making language trees
In checking which word came from which
In analysing sankrit proximity to european languages
In analyzing persian proximity to european languages…
Time to change
But still will is scarce