*I will help you find YOURSELF, your path and purpose in life.
*I will tell you how to METAMORPHOSE YOUR LIFE.
*I will help you heal from illnesses, free yourself from toxic relationships, understand your family arrangements.
*I will help your child discover talents and choose a school.
*I will help you to LIVE YOUR LIFE FULLY !

Holistic ANALYSIS for Adults
ANALYSIS IS in MP3 audio (You will get a zipped folder: recordings plus pictures)
THIS IS A HOLISTIC ANALYSIS — A WHOLE ANALYSIS for your life AND the PARTICULARLY ACTUAL life situation you are in. It is geared to impart a great deal of knowledge about your life and PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS TO YOUR PROBLEMS AND LIFE DYLEMATES
I will need the date, time and place of birth and SOME SENSE of a description of the problem.
– astrological (tropical) analysis
-astrological (Vedic) analysis – birth and after 35 years of age. (relationships, work)
– analysis of Vedic, Slavic archetypes
– numerological analysis
-analysis according to the Human Design system
– SUMMARY and decomposition of Tarot with indications
– dharma-calling-way of life, work, approach to business, image, relationships, crisis of femininity, masculinity, personal development according to the elements and zodiac signs
extra for the course participant – extra charge
Holistic analysis for the child
ANALYSIS IS in MP3 audio (You will get a zipped folder: recordings plus pictures)
I focus on describing: personality, talents, type of disciple, needs and their dharma, vocation.
I will need the date, time and place of birth and a SINGLE SENTENCE of commentary from the parent
-basic astrological (tropical) analysis
– basic birth astrological (Vedic) analysis
– basic numerological analysis of life path
-basic analysis according to Human Design
– type of student, needs for good learning, suggestion as to type of school, type of learning and perception of the world more right- or left-hemispheric (variables according to Human Design, and personality and student tests if necessary)
–-SUMMARY and Tarot distribution with clues
PRICE 250 USD 250 Euro
ANALYSIS IS in MP3 audio (You will get a zipped folder: recordings plus images)
THIS IS A HOLISTIC RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS AND SPECIFICALLY your life situation — for arrangements you and husband , wife, you and potential partner/s, you and friend, acquaintance, you and your parent, you and your child over 12 years of age — MAXIMUM 2 PERSONS at this price, additional person 50 USE , 50 Euro) .
For children under the age of 12, it is better to order a HOLISTIC ANALYSIS of the child. =
I will need the date, time (even if only approximate but preferably accurate) and place of birth of ALL and SOME SENSE of commentary
– abbreviated astrological (tropical) analysis for all
– abbreviated astrological (Vedic) analysis for all
– abbreviated numerological analysis for everyone
– abbreviated analysis according to Human Design system (aura, profile,decision making) for all
–-Tarot – lessons and archetypes according to Caroline Myss Tarota –
– description of the arrangement of your relationships – attraction, repulsion, needs, lessons – ANALYSIS OF THESE RELATIONSHIPS FROM THE WHOLE AND IN Pairs 1 TO 1. But above all – everything from the perspective of the person who orders this analysis -> what tasks he has with each person, what lessons, what is HIS personal development around these people.
PRICE 400 USD 400 Euro
–> The analysis is placed in a folder. There are mp4 files and images of distributions of various types for your layout. I send the whole analysis by wetransfer, if I have a messenger contact, I also send a direct link to the analysis in wetransfer. Wetransfer sometimes falls into spam. You need to receive the analysis within 7 days. In exceptional cases, when someone can’t pick up the analysis (e.g., doesn’t have a computer and the phone doesn’t fit and doesn’t open the files) I put the folder on a google drive, and it’s available there for a few months (to determine how many).
OPINIONS ( on tips, analysis, knowledge from live shows and articles)
Anna Doniec –> Keep doing it. You have a gift for it. Many a house will not collapse thanks to this advice and analysis….
Leszek W –> Joanna, thank you very much, all that you wrote is true, however, 100% accuracy was shown by the tarot. (…) such accuracy of your translation, your vision. Thank you so much….the summary was great
AC –> I admire and am impressed. I would also like to learn about Vedic astrology.
Bozena T –> This combination of Vedic and Slavic astrology and mythology is brilliant!
S K –> Thank you for the layouts. Well it all comes together! I am eternally grateful to you….
Alicia B –> This lifted my spirits a lot and was very helpful. Thank you !
A G –> You are a professional. I will be recommending you. Thank you.
MRK –> Thank you. I had such chaos in my head. I’m much lighter now.
Adam K –> For me, it’s always such magic when you lay out the cards…. And yes, I agree with what you say. It’s very inspiring.
Marcin A –> you are loved, you are a good person. Beautiful soul and body and motherly heart. I always recommend you.
Elizabeth M –>I like you I feel the common vibration. You add to my motivation although I cry because I am not physically strong as I used to be…. I know, I know the disease has shown me stop! now it’s time for others and I have to take care of myself
Raphael B –> And I so heartily and from the heart I enjoy reading you; although sometimes what you write – a little captivating…. but then the feedback in my mind says: ooo – yes ! more more ….
Sylwia K –> lately I resonate very strongly with what you write. Maybe too strongly, because sometimes it blows me away like I’ve been hit in the head with a bullet, but then the stars appear and I recover
Victoria K –> (about movies) that’s exactly how I feel. These movies inspire me a lot. And Super that you write!!!The truth!!!
Lidia B –> ( about movies) Beautiful inspiration to make your own clip Make it a challenge, let it go to the world! Po is worth it!
Dorothy D –> … Some situations similar to my story. You answered it all beautifully…. I once mistook love for lust…. There were red lights that I tried to drown out ,.but it is impossible It will always emerge. When I came back to myself quickly and concretely ended this relationship feeling relieved. It is simply not my
Rafal B –> Act Joanna, write, educate – you have arranged „these things” in such a way that I am writing for a book.
Aleksandra K –> Thank you so much for your livy …. they helped me a lot in my work on myself with a therapist
Justyna Z –> Thank you, this is important information for me
Paul M –> I see and appreciate the work you put in.
Pawel M –> However Joanna Choluj conveys it in her own way there is always some help, for some more for others less and she found an interesting patent for it, because knowledge knowledge but somehow you have to „sell” it and Joanna uses her femininity for this purpose and it’s cool.
Anna G L –> Thank you! As if you were speaking for me
Jolant N Ch –> thank you for your posts and videos, lots of goodness, it resonates very much with me. My warmest regards.
Elzbieta M –> Thank you something I realized thanks to you I will write priv.
Justyna Z –> Thank you Joanna , you explain beautifully. It has all become clearer to me now.
Jolanta N Ch –> Asia, there are many people here who are waiting for another video, a word from you. I for one am looking forward to the May ones, as it is very much with me right now. And those there. It’s easier to „take care” of others than to weed your own garden.
Kinga A –> I love the golden emotions your short films evoke in me
Paul Z –> Writing „what she takes”, it was in the positive sense of course I admire your energy, your activity, your knowledge. Half of what you wrote here I do not understand , but I take your word for it
Basia G –> I am very grateful to you for: grammar, videos, wisdom. I was circling for a long time in search of a guru. I found you through radio/channel Slovenia (I don’t know I twisted the name) – the interview was about grammar. Your version of grammar very much resonates with my thoughts – head, insights …. Your knowledge educates and gives respite. As I listen to you and read your texts I feel a great life relief. You have an open mind and great knowledge and what you bring into my life with your presence is simply beautiful dale knowledge and gives relief. Gury – this is not a commitment – it just happened as I started listening to you. Knowledge as it is not useful to me in this life, maybe the next, and it allows me to understand a lot and this understanding creates space in my head, organizes. Femininity – you remind me of other aspects of life besides work and sadness, which is priceless. It helps me get out of unhealthy lethargy, so you heal at a distance I am grateful to fate that I came online to your website, channel and YT. Thank you for all that you do.
Justyna Z –> Right , you give a lot of your energy . You are wonderful and unique simply Exceptional.I also thank you Joasia that you are.
Apolo DC –> Gracias Joanna Choluj eres un amor…. Gracias
Leszek W –> Highly recommend, perfection, accuracy and compliance
Kinga A–> Highly recommend
Magdalena Z –> Gratitude a million! I have started to listen. Thank you, you’ve put into words some topics I didn’t have a term for. I will come back to you for sure when I assimilate everything
Aleksandra B –> Hi Joanna, I wanted to thank you for all the holistic description. I am very impressed by the relevance but most of all by the tips I can refer to and in general by the answers to some questions and the confidence in what I am doing, because I actually opened my own business and actually invented a service that no one offers and it was good to hear the words that it was meant to be. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. \
Kinga A –> I love the way you paint the picture here of soul and matter as interpenetrating particles. I missed this perspective because my mind works the same way and needs a scientific balance and this is how I knew it . And holy mother you have the nature of a lecturer. I have to take notes because I agree in probably almost everything but also I have millions of questions is it possible to answer them?
Kinga A–> I, after the analysis with you, have become very rooted in myself. I am more confident and this is only the first degree I feel, the layer I discovered. I have already returned to these recordings twice and I know there will be more because there is a lot of content there still thank you so much Joasia, I look forward to September as if anything
Anna Maria K –> Thank you for today’s conversation, I feel that good leads have been dropped for me I have poked around and found some material on the manifestor itself. Thank you Joanna, I can see what I have to do on a total basic level. Your guidance led me to a sensible place. Thank you I see that I need to work on informing and initiating. I feel that now is the time for me to test and experiment.
Anna Maria K –> I have seen your transmissions are mega
Iwona Wawrzonowska –> I highly recommend Analysis done by Joanna Chołuj
Renata Druzynska –> I highly recommend the analysis by Joanna.
Barbara Obrebska –> Having such knowledge about yourself from childhoodBeautiful …. INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR YOURSELF
I will also do to my son. I highly recommend
Martha RK –> the child since Friday has been brushing his teeth with a choke on Thursday he listened, on Friday morning he said himself that he wants a choke:) at first it was 10 seconds then longer, and sometimes with the toothbrush is. Thank you, you helped me a lot, I felt support and understanding
Marta RK —> Hi Joanna, I had a consultation with you some time ago about my son’s teeth, since then he has been brushing his teeth etc. On the front ones it seems that even those caries stains have receded, I was very happy about that. (…)
Anna T –> Hello, the analysis is very accurate and detailed, also a lot of overlap with my intuition, but because he (the child) is very much just so „free” this and intuition sometimes goes crazy, but paradoxically a lot of overlap, precisely regarding education, but there are also a lot of topics and I think I will use the consultation, while I was thinking if it would not be good to do my analysis first and then summarize them in a consultation or two? Because I have the impression that a lot of things are nicely intertwined with what I know about myself (…) thank you again, besides really super this analysis I am shocked !!!
Iwona M –> Summary or Tarot – perfect! I’ll digest for a while, and I’ll be hearing from you for sure. You got me interested in „running a business in social media”… to give this topic away. Do you take such a challenge? Let’s stay in touch, or how 5 should build an image. (…) recordings on mp3 (analysis) is a hoot.
Anna M K.
–> Joanna, I wanted to write you that everything that came up in your holistic analysis is starting to come together for me I feel like I’ll want to have another consultation with you, but I’m waiting for a reasonable date to come up. (…)Super is what you are doing thank you so much
—>Joasia, I listen to your lectures and so much opens up in my mind. The spiral has been with me for a year and still some new layer comes out. Thank you for your work. I hope to return the favor with a book purchase soon.
A.C –> Great work you are are empowering women You are creating a circle of women helping those who want to change themselves….
email –> Hello Joanna, Thank you for your answers.After your analysis I did some more research about Human Design and I already know the answer. Thank you again for your analysis. It brought a lot and widened my field of vision. Best regards. Agnieszka K.
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