I like people. I like you people.
My whole life is based on finding balance in relationships. My whole life is based on relationships.
Me, this is my life destiny.
Libra. The seventh house. in important places of horoscopes.
Work with people. Talking about myself. It is said that even the real calling is TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF. till it hurts. and about pain.
Do people change with age? Some. After the age of 35. Not always.
Does man change over the centuries? Some. From the age of technology. Not everywhere.
The Internet, more than before, newspapers and books, allowed to write at will and with will. and slowly.
Nobody cuts you in on your word. You can write an hour, correct it, and you can always take part in the discussion.
You can say the last word.
The Internet, more than a living word, made it possible for everyone to speak, including „undesirable”, un-daring, uncouth ones. He gave the courage to speak about himself, tell the truth, even despite the existing strong censorship and self-censorship, we tell a lot of truth, probably more than we used to.
The Internet has caused us to speak sharply, heartily and bluntly.
Is it bad? its bad. and it s not bad.
Time to get used to. Intenet is definitely old regional councils (sejmiki – in old Poland) . It’s a wash after the kill. But also squeezing so that I can’t breathe. It’s a backstage deal. It’s a coterie. It’s spitting on yourself in the forum. That this is not allowed?
IT is. I would have said – you have to get used to.
The more civilization tightens the screws and we are polite and shy face to face, the more human nature with an element of wildness demands an exit.
That once a man was more „polished”?
Who? Poles who said with beautiful macaronicisms and then slaped one another on the face at the end of the wedding?
Who? the French who spoke in verse at Versailles, then pissed in the wrong place and hunted lice in their wigs?
who ? the German? who played the piano beautifully in every house and then built camps?
Man doesn’t change at all.
He places the accents differently. It’s like that.
The nature of a man is always the same. The beauty and the beast.
Jekyll and Hyde. It doesn’t matter what you call it.
So everything changes and nothing changes.
On the Internet, we are as much ourselves as we are outside. It is important, however, that before there was OUT. That BEYOND — the excessive painful honesty would disappear.
Reality creates relationships. Just reality.
Reality builds limits. you look a man in the eye and consider even telling him that he has a leaf on his head. At most, you can write it in a song. Maybe he will read it someday.
I like you people. I thought I only liked children. The best are those little ones who cannot yet speak.
Then it turned out that I like even the bigger ones. Children teach you to accept the truth straight in your eyes . And criticism. And hate.
Before someone starts working on the Internet, it is good to have children first 🙂
Anyway – I don’t regret anything.
Sometimes I can correct something online. But I know myself. In fact, I’m too gentle, too nice in reality. Yes, sometimes I am honest and direct. But in general, I allow others to be present, to speak, to enter my premises, to occupy my rooms, to speak for me, and more. So my balance is that I tend to be overly honest on the internet. IT seems to be cocky. Who knows me will make me real. Who doesn’t – it usually doesn’t matter.
And yet – you can’t be nice on the Internet. This is a medium with no release. There is no report here. There’s only a harsh word here.
Here is hate and truth. Or a lie. Does not matter. Both hurt.
And you never know who has the last word.
So I don’t recommend being nice on the internet, being dishonest, and self-censorship.
But that’s me.
Perhaps it depends on the individual distribution of life stresses.
It also means that no one is to be disciplined or moralized on the Internet. On the internet what one do is:
-comes out of the discussion
– writes a retort on his website
– corresponds with a movie with polemical inserts
– is silent when thinking differently among „friends”
– unsubscribes from the group
– kicks you out of the group
-creates its own group and its own rules
– kicking out of friends
-removes hate in comments
-he does not respond to stupidity
– is not responsible for others
just for myself
and to a lesser extent than outside the real
that what I say is unpopular? that children hate each other online ?
NO. Again, work from the wrong way (from the ass 's side , as we say in Polish in my family )
children do not get smartphones in the cradle and you do not leave them alone all the time
You talk to children and teenagers about everything
You argue with the children about the media
Children are given specific boundaries and specific penalties for transgression
Children are protected from addiction
A teenage child is just learning what is the difference between a statement on the Internet and in real life
Children are not allowed to live only on the Internet without realism
The internet – basically – is for adults
Let’s say the limit is 16 years.
Forums are for adults
there are cartoons, movies, YouTube for children when the parent knows what the child is watching
Self-censorship on the net is not an option.
It is impossible to block all haters. It’s not possible.
Are we currently letting our teen go to a PRague’s district (in Warsaw ) party at NIGHT? We do not let go? Possibly with colleagues? When she is 18? Then why do we let our kids go to the internet NIGHT? Alone?