I tell you about me: I am a Polish, Slavic Woman.

I have always been very spiritual even back in times of my catholicism. But catholicism in Poland is so hugely slavic that I consider myself being always in a milieu of slavic faith.
One day about 1996 I broke free from some of those unwanted brainwashings stuff such as certain catholic customs and obligations. And I felt good.
I travelled, I went to France, travelled in Europe… I had lots of foreign connections and foreign relationships.
Well I searched for myself and my missing part of soul.
I am hugely curious and love learning I crave it. I love knowledge and philosophy, and I am deeply spiritual and I had some mystical experiences.
Even back there in my childhood – I was going with my grandma to that deeply dark wooden church when there were just lights of candles at the dusk, during Roraty, then those choirs of women, those prayers to Maria mother, Godzinki, which I consider now purely slavic…
Then I was in a slavic youth movement a little bit protestant in spirit, again songs, spiritual experiences, prayers to Holy Ghost which to me is just Mary, holy feminine , goddess, in the triple of divinity.
I passed thru it.
Then it was a big shift and changing religions: protestantism, islam…I considered judaism…zoroastrianism… Years 1999 to 2005. I came quite close to WTC attack. It had an effect. Revealing. Secret knowlegde and secret politics. And lots of secret to me once knowledge about myself, my personality and dharma.
Then I found myself back in Poland and there in Poland I found people interested in New Age, hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, meditation, visualisations and quantum physics. It was about 2005…
I read „Conversations with God” by Walsch and lots of Osho books. It impressed me and influenced me.
From 2009 it was my period of discovering the West alternative movement with all secret societies, masons, philosophy, politics, secret politics, archeology and secret archeology, alternative science of any kind. I became very versed in Western style theory of magic, numerology, symbols, angels, chanellings and much more. I knew it by heart. In theory. Did not dare… really.. to practice… except for some superficial yoga and meditation.
In 2007 I opened my youtube chanel and I started publishing vids about the ancient alternative knowledge, meditation, yoga and health. But it was very shy and slow…
I passed thru many difficult events of my personal life between 2000 and 2017. It marked me deeply, and besides theory, I started then new practice – yoga, meditation, visualisation. I then understood that I DO have influence on people, and they do listen to me, and need and want my energy. Even when I do nothing. Purely nothing. Just enter somewhere. Enter somebody’s life.
And. yes. I started understanding how important is PROTECTION. I started publishing vids about psychological, psychic and physical health. Then, after the period of severe toxicity – I needed healing myself. From the bottom. From the beginning of my life. Or further back. And healing my children…
So I started practice. Oh yes. I did heal my soul, body and mind. And I did heal my child. One. Then another. And I talked about it. On youtube. And the chanel grew and vids proved popular since I mixed western and slavic knowledge, and I talked about toxic relationships and health in holistic alternative way mixing ancient knowledge with practical advice of a woman, wife, ex-wife, and mother.
In 2012 in Poland I started discovering slavic areas of knowledge. Then I met people from slavic faith — purely – rodnovery circles, polish masonic pagan and also historians who do research and rituals..
Now I am in a middle of the 52 days period before my anniversary if u know what I mean (year is devided in 52 days periods).
It s the period of complete metamorphosis always, leaving out, dispersing, blacking out, death… of what not works any more.
But this year I feel different, really, really really different.
I think I am really becoming a Fenix.. Phoenix. Metamorphosis Almost Acomplished.
It means that now —
– I have trust in my knowledge – theory of ancient science. Since I have been studying it almost all my life – starting with catholicism – slavic faith in childhood…
– And I have trust – I gained it, I earned it, I give it back to me , I own it now – the right to practice magic and be a wiedźma, a witch, a savant woman, a woman with energy, who knows how to deal with it.
SO …
I started truly doing not only knowledge, learning, not only tarot, astrology tropical, and vedic, not only slavic easy customs, not only herbs and healing with it, and any knowledge that comes to my hands and head like stuff from any esoteric circles, antroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, mysticism, or cooking by 5 elements and blessing food, feng shui, martial arts and more….
I did start doing my own slavic-eclectic magic circles , just for me alone, magical circles rituals, every morning and evening.
I have always been communicating with angels, but now it s like.. it s very strong, I did decide I want to go slavic and add the vedic customs since it all has common ground.
I started practicing more telepathy, and the energy sending, intentionally. About a few months after meeting my soul mate, my missing part of soul – as Platon said.
It just happened one day
Energy is powerful stuff.
Energy , healing, purifing space and chakras, regressing, visualisations and meditations, it all became so strong for the last few months
I am a wiedźma, slavic and eclectic. I am a savant, wiedunka. I am a sorciere, a witch.
But I am still also a teacher, writer and advisor.
Yes , my project JC Lady Alternative Education is very slavic and alternative. I want to have women therapeutical creative circles for women with trauma and such harsh life like mine, but I did not think it would be deeply magical slavic pagan and so… energetic.
Slava! Sława!
Joanna Maria Margueritt Irinia Suril Mitri Łada Dziewanna Marzanna Chołuj